Java persistence with JPA and Hibernate: Entities and relationships

Posted by on 20 December, 2023

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The Jakarta Persistence API (JPA) is a Java specification that bridges the gap between relational databases and object-oriented programming. This two-part tutorial introduces JPA and explains how Java objects are modeled as JPA entities, how entity relationships are defined, and how to use JPA’s EntityManager with the Repository pattern in your Java applications. This gives you all the basics for saving and loading application state.

Note that this tutorial uses Hibernate as the JPA provider. Most concepts can be extended to other Java persistence frameworks.

Object relations in JPA

Relational databases have existed as a means for storing program data since the 1970s. While developers today have many alternatives to the relational database, it is still widely used in small- and large-scale software development.

Java objects in a relational database context are defined as entities. Entities are objects that are placed in tables where they occupy columns and rows, thereby outliving their existence in the program. Programmers use foreign keys and join tables to define the relationships between entities—namely one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships. We use SQL (Structured Query Language) to retrieve and interact with data in individual tables and across multiple tables.

The relational model is flat, whereas object models are graphs. Developers can write queries to retrieve data and construct objects from relational data, and vice versa, but that process is painstaking and error prone. JPA is one way to solve that problem.

Object-relations impedance mismatch

You may be familiar with the term object-relations impedance mismatch, which refers to this challenge of mapping data objects to a relational database. This mismatch occurs because object-oriented design is not limited to one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships. Instead, in object-oriented design, we think of objects, their attributes and behavior, and how objects relate. Two examples are encapsulation and inheritance:

  • If an object contains another object, we define this through encapsulation—a has-a relationship.
  • If an object is a specialization of another object, we define this through inheritance—an is-a relationship.

Association, aggregation, composition, abstraction, generalization, realization, and dependencies are all object-oriented programming concepts that can be challenging to map to a relational model.

Put another way, the simple dot notation in Java: myObject.anotherObject.aProperty implies a great deal of work for a relational data store.

ORM: Object-relational mapping

The mismatch between object-oriented design and relational database modeling has led to a class of tools developed specifically for object-relational mapping (ORM). ORM tools like Hibernate, EclipseLink, OpenJPA, and MyBatis translate relational database models, including entities and their relationships, into object-oriented models. Many of these tools existed before the JPA specification, but without a standard their features were vendor dependent.

First released as part of EJB 3.0 in 2006, the Java Persistence API (JPA) was moved to the Eclipse Foundation and renamed the Jakarta Persistence API in 2019. It offers a standard way to annotate objects so that they can be mapped and stored in a relational database. The specification also defines a common construct for interacting with databases. Having an ORM standard for Java brings consistency to vendor implementations, while also allowing for flexibility and add-ons. As an example, while the original JPA specification is applicable to relational databases, some vendor implementations have extended JPA for use with NoSQL databases.

Getting started with JPA

The Java Persistence API is a specification, not an implementation: it defines a common abstraction that you can use in your code to interact with ORM products. This section reviews some of the important parts of the JPA specification.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Define entities, fields, and primary keys in the database.
  • Create relationships between entities in the database.
  • Work with the EntityManager and its methods.

Defining entities

In order to define an entity, you must create a class that is annotated with the @Entity annotation. The @Entity annotation is a marker annotation, which is used to discover persistent entities. For example, if you wanted to create a book entity, you would annotate it as follows:

public class Book {

By default, this entity will be mapped to the Book table, as determined by the given class name. If you wanted to map this entity to another table (and, optionally, a specific schema) you could use the @Table annotation. Here’s how you would map the Book class to a BOOKS table:

public class Book {

If the BOOKS table was in the PUBLISHING schema, you could add the schema to the @Table annotation:

@Table(name="BOOKS", schema="PUBLISHING")

Mapping fields to columns

With the entity mapped to a table, your next task is to define its fields. Fields are defined as member variables in the class, with the name of each field being mapped to a column name in the table. You can override this default mapping by using the @Column annotation, as shown here:

public class Book {
   private String name;
   private String isbn;

In this example, we’ve accepted the default mapping for the name attribute but specified a custom mapping for the isbn attribute. The name attribute will be mapped to the “name” column, but the isbn attribute will be mapped to the ISBN_NUMBER column.

The @Column annotation allows us to define additional properties of the field or column, including length, whether it is nullable, whether it must be unique, its precision and scale (if it’s a decimal value), whether it is insertable and updatable, and so forth.

Specifying the primary key

One of the requirements for a relational database table is that it must contain a primary key, or a key that uniquely identifies a specific row in the database. In JPA, we use the @Id annotation to designate a field to be the table’s primary key. The primary key must be a Java primitive type, a primitive wrapper such as Integer or Long, a String, a Date, a BigInteger, or a BigDecimal.

In this example, we map the id attribute, which is an Integer, to the ID column in the BOOKS table:

public class Book {
   private Integer id;
   private String name;
   private String isbn;

It is also possible to combine the @Id annotation with the @Column annotation to overwrite the primary key’s column-name mapping.

Entity relationships in JPA

Now that you know how to define an entity, let’s look at how to create relationships between entities. JPA defines four annotations for defining relationships between entities:

  • @OneToOne
  • @OneToMany
  • @ManyToOne
  • @ManyToMany

One-to-one relationships

The @OneToOne annotation is used to define a one-to-one relationship between two entities. For example, you may have a User entity that contains a user’s name, email, and password, but you may want to maintain additional information about a user (such as age, gender, and favorite color) in a separate UserProfile entity. The @OneToOne annotation facilitates breaking down your data and entities this way.

The User class below has a single UserProfile instance. The UserProfile maps to a single User instance.

public class User {
   private Integer id;
   private String email;
   private String name;
   private String password;
   private UserProfile profile;

public class UserProfile {
   private Integer id;
   private int age;
   private String gender;
   private String favoriteColor;
   private User user;

The JPA provider uses UserProfile‘s user field to map UserProfile to User. The mapping is specified in the mappedBy attribute in the @OneToOne annotation.

One-to-many and many-to-one relationships

The @OneToMany and @ManyToOne annotations facilitate different sides of the same relationship. Consider an example where a book can have only one author, but an author may have many books. The Book entity would define a @ManyToOne relationship with Author and the Author entity would define a @OneToMany relationship with Book:

public class Book {
    private Integer id;
    private String name;
    private Author author;

public class Author {
    private Integer id;
    private String name;
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "author")
    private List<Book> books = new ArrayList<>();

In this case, the Author class maintains a list of all of the books written by that author and the Book class maintains a reference to its single author. Additionally, the @JoinColumn specifies the name of the column in the Book table to store the ID of the Author.

Many-to-many relationships

Finally, the @ManyToMany annotation facilitates a many-to-many relationship between entities. Here’s a case where a Book entity has multiple Authors:

public class Book {
    private Integer id;
    private String name;
    private Set<Author> authors = new HashSet<>();

public class Author {
    private Integer id;
    private String name;
    @ManyToMany(mappedBy = "author")
    private Set<Book> books = new HashSet<>();

In this example, we create a new table, BOOK_AUTHORS, with two columns: BOOK_ID and AUTHOR_ID. Using the joinColumns and inverseJoinColumns attributes tells your JPA framework how to map these classes in a many-to-many relationship. The @ManyToMany annotation in the Author class references the field in the Book class that manages the relationship, namely the authors property.

Working with the EntityManager

EntityManager is the class that performs database interactions in JPA. It is initialized through a configuration file named persistence.xml or by using annotations. Each approach has advantages. Annotations keep the configuration close to the class configured, which is simpler, whereas the XML file keeps the configuration external to the code and shareable across different applications.

We’ll use persistence.xml in this example. The file is found in the META-INF folder in your CLASSPATH, which is typically packaged in your JAR or WAR file. The persistence.xml file contains the following: 

  • The named “persistence unit,” which specifies the persistence framework you’re using, such as Hibernate or EclipseLink.
  • A collection of properties specifying how to connect to your database, as well as any customizations in the persistence framework.
  • A list of entity classes in your project.

Let’s look at an example.

Configuring the EntityManager

First, we create an EntityManager. There are a few ways to do this, including using the EntityManagerFactory retrieved from the Persistence class. In many scenarios, this class will be injected, with an IoC container like Spring or with Java CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection). For simplicity in our standalone application, let’s define the EntityManager in one place, and then access it via the EntityManagerFactory, like so:

EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("Books");
EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();

In this case, we’ve created an EntityManager that is connected to the “Books” persistence unit. You’ll see the EntityManager in action shortly.

The EntityManager class defines how our software will interact with the database through JPA entities. Here are some of the methods used by EntityManager:



Page 2

  • find() retrieves an entity by its primary key.
  • createQuery() creates a Query instance that can be used to retrieve entities from the database.
  • createNamedQuery() loads a Query that has been defined in a @NamedQuery annotation inside one of the persistence entities. (Named queries provide a clean mechanism for centralizing JPA queries in the definition of the persistence class on which the query will execute.)
  • getTransaction() defines an EntityTransaction to use in your database interactions. Just like database transactions, you will typically begin the transaction, perform your operations, and then either commit or rollback your transaction. The getTransaction() method lets you access this behavior at the level of the EntityManager, rather than the database.
  • merge() adds an entity to the persistence context, so that when the transaction is committed, the entity will be persisted to the database. When using merge(), objects are not managed.
  • persist() adds an entity to the persistence context, so that when the transaction is committed, the entity will be persisted to the database. When using persist(), objects are managed.
  • refresh() refreshes the state of the current entity from the database.
  • flush() synchronizes the state of the persistence context with the database.

Don’t worry about integrating these methods all at once. You’ll get to know them by working directly with the EntityManager, which we’ll do more in the second half of this tutorial.

Conclusion to Part 1

This tutorial has been a general introduction to JPA. We’ve reviewed JPA as a standard for ORM in Java and looked at how entities, relationships, and the EntityManager work together in your Java applications. Stay tuned for the second half of this tutorial, where we’ll dive into JPA with Hibernate, and start writing code that persists data to and from a relational database.

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